-tide - vertaling naar russisch
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-tide - vertaling naar russisch

Tide (bus company); Tide ASA; Tide Buss



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в сложных словах означает время года, сезон

-tide suf. в сложных словах означает время года, сезон; Christmas-tide - святки
ebb tide         
  • Bar Harbor]], [[Maine]], U.S. (2014)
  • Low tide at Bangchuidao scenic area, [[Dalian]], [[Liaoning Province]], [[China]]
  • Brouscon's Almanach]] of 1546: Compass bearings of high waters in the [[Bay of Biscay]] (left) and the coast from [[Brittany]] to [[Dover]] (right).
  • Brouscon's Almanach of 1546: Tidal diagrams "according to the age of the moon".
  • mi}}.
  • alt=Diagram showing a circle with closely spaced arrows pointing away from the reader on the left and right sides, while pointing towards the user on the top and bottom.
  • date=30 December 2016}}</ref>
  • The harbour of [[Gorey, Jersey]] falls dry at low tide.
  • alt=Photo of partially submerged rock showing horizontal bands of different color and texture, where each band represents a different fraction of time spent submerged.
  • alt=Map showing relative tidal magnitudes of different ocean areas
  • Ocean Beach]] in [[San Francisco]], [[California]], U.S.
  • 4}} feet above mean low water and is still falling, as indicated by pointing of the arrow. Indicator is powered by system of pulleys, cables and a float. (Report Of The Superintendent Of The Coast & Geodetic Survey Showing The Progress Of The Work During The Fiscal Year Ending With June 1897 (p. 483))
  • Earth's rotation drags the position of the tidal bulge ahead of the position directly under the Moon showing the lag angle.
  • alt=Graph showing one line each for M&nbsp;<sub>2</sub>, S&nbsp;<sub>2</sub>, N&nbsp;<sub>2</sub>, K&nbsp;<sub>1</sub>, O&nbsp;<sub>1</sub>, P&nbsp;<sub>1</sub>, and one for their summation, with the X axis spanning slightly more than a single day
  • alt=Graph with a single line showing tidal peaks and valleys gradually cycling between higher highs and lower highs over a 14-day period
  • alt=Graph showing with a single line showing only a minimal annual tidal fluctuation
  • alt=Graph with a single line rising and falling between 4 peaks around 3 and four valleys around −3
  • alt=Graph showing 6 lines with two lines for each of three cities. Nelson has two monthly spring tides, while Napier and Wellington each have one.
  • 2}} hours before high tide
  • In [[Maine]] (U.S.), low tide occurs roughly at moonrise and high tide with a high Moon, corresponding to the simple gravity model of two tidal bulges; at most places however, the Moon and tides have a [[phase shift]].
  • alt=Chart illustrating that tidal heights enter in calculations of legally significant data such as ''boundary lines'' between the high seas and territorial waters. Chart shows an exemplar coastline, identifying bottom features such as longshore bar and berms, tidal heights such as mean higher high water, and distances from shore such as the 12 mile limit.
  • The types of tides
  • Illustration by the course of half a month
  • alt=Three graphs. The first shows the twice-daily rising and falling tide pattern with nearly regular high and low elevations. The second shows the much more variable high and low tides that form a "mixed tide". The third shows the day-long period of a diurnal tide.
  • A regular water level chart
Ebb Tide (disambiguation); Ebb Tide (film); Ebb tide (disambiguation)


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(морской) отлив


¦ combining form literary denoting a specified time or season: springtide.
?denoting a festival of the Christian Church: Shrovetide.


Tide (transportation company)

Tide ASA is a public transport company in Vestland, Norway which resulted from the merger of Gaia Trafikk and Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskipsselskap (HSD). The company provides the public transit network in the city of Bergen, and most of the bus service in the former Hordaland county on contract with Skyss. Tide also runs the buses in northern Rogaland on contract with Kolumbus.

The group has two daughter companies, Tide Buss AS that operates the scheduled busses, and the leisure travel company Tide Reiser AS that also operates express, airport and charter buses and chartered ferries and fast passenger craft.

Formerly, Tide operated the passenger- and car ferry routes previously operated by HSD and Stavangerske, with the daughter company Tide Sjø.

The company was delisted from the Oslo Stock Exchange when it was acquired by Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskap.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor -tide
1. The tide, it's about a half tide.
Building Old Cambridge _ Susan Maycock + More _ Talks at Google
2. stealing Tide,
3. for that area between high tide and low tide.
California Coast Sea Forager's Guide _ Kirk Lombard _ Talks at Google
4. Saturn's tide, daily.
Science & Technology to Explore the Seas of Titan _ Talks at Google
5. But because the tide--
Mudlarking - Lost and Found on the River Thames _ Lara Maiklem _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor -tide
1. TURN OF THE TIDE Yet somehow, the tide turned against the king.
2. TIDE GOING OUT÷ Viewed from the beach, the receding tide looks like a river heading to the sea.
3. "That‘s what it looks like when the tide is out, and when the tide comes in, it covers the towpath.
4. Historically, the island has been ringed by sand flats at low tide and water at high tide.
5. With a spring tide it is to be expected that the tide will flow in relatively fast.